Most frequently used words with synonyms m – r for vocabulary building for CSS, PMS, NTS, PST, PPSC & FPSC tests and other exams.
List Synonyms M to R
Word – M
1. makeshift expedient, resort, stopgap
2. male masculine, manlike, manly, manful, virile, mannish
3. malign defame, traduce, vilify, asperse, slander, calumniate, libel
4. malleable ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant
5. manipulate exploit, maneuver
6. mark brand, label, tag, ticket
7. mature age, develope, ripen
8. meager spare, sparse, skimpy, scanty, scant
9. mean denote, import, signify
10. mean low, base, abject, ignoble, sordid
11. meaning acceptation, import, sense, significance, signification
12. meaningless senseless, mindless, irrational, pointless, purposeless
13. melt fuse, liquefy, thaw, deliquesce
14. memory remembrance, recollection, reminiscence
15. mercy leniency, lenity, clemency, charity
16. method system, routine, manner, mode, fashion, way
17. meticulous careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious
18. mind intellect, intelligence, brain, wit, reason
19. mirth merriment, jollity, hilarity, glee
20. miscellaneous heterogeneous, motley, mixed, varied, assorted
21. misfortune adversity, mishap, mischance
22. misleading deceptive, delusive, delusory
23. mix blend, mingle, coalesce, merge, amalgamate, fuse
24. mixture blend, admixture, compund, composite, amalgam
25. moderate qualify, temper [INTENSIFY]
26. moment instant, minute, second, jiffy, flash
27. monopolize absorb, consume, engross, preoccupy
28. mood humor, temper
29. moral ethical, virtuous, righteous
30. morale esprit, esprit de corps
31. moving stirring, poignant, touching, pathetic, affecting
32. multitude host, legion, army
33. muscular athletic, brawny, burly, sinewy
34. mysterious esoteric, arcane, occult, inscrutable
Word – N
35. naive simple, ingenuous, unsophisticated, natural, unaffected, guileless, artless
36. name designation, denomination, title, appellation, cognomen
37. native indigenous, endemic, autochthonous, aboriginal
38. nautical marine, maritime, naval
39. neat tidy, trim, shipshape, spick-and-span, spruce, trig
40. need necessity, exigency, requisite
41. negligent derelict, lax, neglectful, remiss, slack
42. neutralize negate, nullify, counteract
43. new fresh, novel, newfangled, original
44. news advice, intelligence, tidings, word
45. nimble agile, quick, brisk, facile, spry
46. noise din, racket, uproar, pandemonium, hullabaloo, hubbub, clamor, babel
47. normal regular, natural, typical
48. noted celebrated, eminent, famed, famous, illustrious, notable, preeminent, renowned
49. noticeable observable, marked, conspicuous, prominent, outstanding,
50. salient, remarkable, signal, arresting, striking
51. nuance gradation, shade
52. nurture cultivate, foster, nurse
Word – O
53. obedient biddable, compliant, acquiescent, submissive, docile, amenable, tractable
54. object protest, kick, demur, remonstrate, expostulate
55. obligation responsibility, duty
56. oblige accommodate, favor [DISOBLIGE]
57. observe keep, celebrate, commemorate, solemnize
58. obstacle obstruction, bar, barrier, block, hindrance, impediment, snag
59. obstinate stubborn, headstrong, stiff-necked, bullheaded, pigheaded,
60. mulish, dogged, pertinacious
61. occurrence happening, event, incident, episode, circumstance
62. offend insult, affront, outrage
63. offense crime, sin, error
64. offensive disgusting, loathsome, nasty, repellent, repulsive, revolting, vile
65. offer proffer, tender, present
66. old ancient, archaic, antediluvian, obsolete, antique, antiquated
67. opinion view, sentiment, feeling, belief, conviction, persuasion
68. opponent adversary, antagonist
69. opportune seasonable, timely, well-timed [INOPPORTUNE]
70. opportunity occasion, opening, chance, break
71. oppose fight, combat, resist, withstand, contest
72. opposite contrary, antithetical, contradictory
73. orderly methodical, systematic
74. origin inception, source, root
75. ornate florid, flamboyant, baroque, rococo
76. outline contour, profile, silhouette
77. outlive outlast, survive
78. outrageous flagrant, atrocious, monstrous
79. overthrow overturn, subvert, topple, upset
Word – P
80. pacify mollify, conciliate, appease, placate
81. pain ache, pang, smart, stitch, throe, twinge
82. palliate extenuate, gloss, gloze, whitewash
83. pamper indulge, humor, spoil, coddle, mellycoddle, babe
84. paragon nonsuch, nonpareil
85. partner colleague, ally, confederate
86. passion fervor, fire, zeal, ardor
87. pathetic pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable
88. patience long-suffering, resignation, forbearance
89. pause intermission, recess, respite, suspension
90. pedantic academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic
91. penitence compunction, contrition, remorse, repentance
92. pensive contemplative, reflective, meditative, thoughtful
93. perceptible palpable, appreciable, noticeable, discernible
94. perfect consummate, faultless, flawless, impeccable [IMPERFECT]
95. perform execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge
96. period epoch, era, age, term
97. periodic sporadic, intermittent, occasional, fitful
98. permission authorization, consent, leave, license [PROHIBITION]
99. perseverance persistence, tenacity, pertinacity
100. persuade induce, prevail, convince
101. phase aspect, facet, angle, side
102. physique build, constitution
103. pity compassion, commiseration, sympathy, condolence, empathy
104. plain modest, simple, unostentatious, unpretentious [ORNATE]
105. plan blueprint, design, project, scheme, strategy
106. plausible believable, colorable, credible
107. playful mischievous, impish, waggish, frolicsome
108. please delight, gladden, gratify, tickle [DISPLEASE]
109. pleasure enjoyment, delight, delectation, joy
110. plentiful abundant, ample, copious, plenteous [SCANT]
111. poet bard, versifier, rhymer, rhymester, poetaster
112. poisonous mephitic, pestilent, pestilential, toxic, venomous, virulent
113. polite mannerly, civil, courteous, genteel
114. ponder meditate, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse
115. poor indigent, needy, impecunious, penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute
116. possible workable, practicable, feasible, viable
117. posture attitude, carriage, pose, stance
118. practice drill, exercise, rehearse
119. praise acclaim, commend, extol, laud
120. predicament plight, quandary, jam, fix, pickle
121. predict call, forecast, foretell, prognosticate
122. predilection bias, leaning, partiality, penchant, prejudice, proclivity, propensity
123. preliminary introductory, prefatory, preparatory
124. presume presuppose, postulate, posit, assume
125. pretend assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeit
126. prevailing prevalent, current, rife
127. prevent preclude, avert, obviate, forestall
128. price charge, cost, expense
129. produce bear, yield
130. profane blasphemous, sacrilegious
131. proficient adept, skilled, skillful, expert
132. profuse exuberant, lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigal, riotous [SPARE]
133. promise covenant, engage, pledge, plight, swear, vow
134. prone supine, prostrate, recumbent
135. proportion harmony, symmetry, balance
136. propose pose, propound, submit
137. proud arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious
138. provoke incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, rouse, stir
139. prudence discretion, foresight, forethought, circumspection
140. pull drag, draw, haul, tow, tug [PUSH]
141. pulsate pulse, beat, palpitate, throb
142. punish correct, chastise, discipline, castigate, penalize
143. pure absolute, sheer, simple, unadulterated
144. push propel, shove, thrust [PULL]
145. puzzle perplex, mystify, bewilder, confound
Word – Q
146. quality property, attribute, character, trait
147. qualm scruple, compunction, misgiving
148. quibble carp, cavil, niggle, nitpick, pettifog
Word – R
149. range ambit, compass, orbit, purview, reach, scope, sweep
150. reach achieve, attain, gain, compass
151. real actual, true, existent
152. reap garner, gather, gleam, harvest
153. reason intuition, understanding, judgement
154. rebellion revolution, revolt, mutiny, insurrection, uprising
155. recede ebb, retract, retreat, retrograde [ADVANCE]
156. reciprocate requite, return
157. reckless rash, precipitate, foolhardy, temerarious
158. recoil blench, quail, shrink, flinch
159. recover regain, recoup, retrieve
160. refer advert, mention
161. refrain abstain, forbear
162. refuse decline, reject, spurn, rebuff
163. regard esteem, admiration, respect
164. regret sorrow, grief, anguish, woe, heartache, heartbreak
165. relevant pertinent, germane, material, apposite, apropos [IRRELEVANT]
166. reliable dependable, responsible, trustworthy
167. relieve allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate, palliate
168. religious devout, pious, sanctimonious
169. relinquish yield, resign, abandon, surrender, cede, waive, renounce
170. rely trust, depend, reckon
171. remainder rest, balance, residue, residuum, remnant, leavings, remains
172. remember bethink, recall, recollect [FORGET]
173. reparation redress, amends, restitution, indemnity
174. repeat iterate, reiterate, restate
175. replace supplant, supersede
176. represent delineate, depict, limn, picture, portray
177. resort apply, go, refer, turn
178. responsible answerable, liable, accountable, amenable
179. rest relaxation, repose, leisure, ease, comfort
180. restrain curb, check, bridle, inhibit
181. return revert, recur, recrudesce
182. reveal expose, disclose, divulge, betray
183. revere worship, venerate, adore, idolize
184. reverse invert, transpose
185. revive restore, resuscitate, revivify
186. rhythm meter, cadence
187. rich affluent, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy [POOR]
188. ridicule mock, taunt, twit, deride, gibe
189. right privilege, prerogative, perquisite, birthright
190. rise ascend, climb, soar, tower, mount, surge
191. rival compete, vie, emulate
192. room elbowroom, latitude, leeway, margin, play, scope
193. rough harsh, jagged, rugged, scabrous, uneven
194. rude crude, primitive, raw, rough
195. ruin raze, demolish, destroy, wreck
196. rural bucolic, rustic, pastoral
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